First Church of Christ, Scientist, Greensboro

All are lovingly welcome to our services.


Join us for our next service this Sunday, March 30, at 10:30 am.


      Welcome to the Christian Science Church of Greensboro NC!

                                 Our church is located just west of downtown at 105 Arden Place, Greensboro, NC 27403.                                          You can reach us at and (336) 274-1759.


We support our community through the individual and collective pursuit of prayer, spiritual healing, and worship at our weekly Sunday and Wednesday services, Sunday School (for children up to age 20) and Reading Room.

We follow the teachings and practice of Christ Jesus, and our dual pastor is the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy (the discoverer and founder of Christian Science).

Come visit — everyone is welcome.


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Do you want to know more about healing solutions to any situation you may be experiencing? 
Take a look at this collection of articles on a variety of topics.  We trust they will inspire you. 

Visit our newly renovated Reading Room, open from 10 to noon on Saturdays!



10:30 – 11:30 am

Childcare is available for every service.



Noon on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays
7:00 pm all other Wednesdays

Childcare is available for every meeting.






10:30 – 11:30 am
For children up to the age of 20

Childcare is available for children too young for Sunday School.


The healings that happened in Christ Jesus’ time are still happening. Click here to listen to first-person testimonies of healing on Sentinel Watch Internet Radio


10 am to Noon
or by appointment
Located in the lower level of the church

Contact us with questions
336-274-1759 or


Need a quick lift for your day?  These short podcasts offer simple inspiring ideas to take with you, enrich your day, and share with others.  More Here


What is Christian Science?
Christian Science was discovered in 1866 by Mary Baker Eddy. She founded the Christian Science church in 1879 and the Christian Science Monitor in 1908.  
Learn more

Upcoming events nearby and online:

• LIsten to a recording of a recent talk by David Sand, C.S., at Lynn House in Alexandria, VA.  The recording and text of the talk are available on the Lynn House website.

Here is a YouTube recording of a recent talk, “What is the World Asking of Christian Science Today?” by Mark Sappenfield, Editor of The Christian Science Monitor.

• The inspirational talk, “All are called to be caring,” given by Marilyn Armbruster, CS, in June, is available on the Clearview website.

• A talk by Chestnut Booth, C.S., “Being Faithful over a Few Things,” is available for viewing on the Willows website as part of their Annual Meeting recording.

Community News:

Our Church reading for 2025 is underway!  We began the year by reading our Church Manual to remind ourselves of our duties as individuals and as church members.

In March, we have begun our Bible study.  Every day, we read a Psalm and a few Proverbs and then dive into the book of Genesis, which we will study for the months of March and April.  Resource and Inspiration documents are available. Please contact us if you are interested in participating. 336 274 1759 or

A wonderful new resource in our area!  Sunview House, located in Mooresville, NC (near Norman State Park and just 80 minutes away) provides around-the-clock skilled Christian Science nursing care.  Please see the brochure below for more information or contact Yvonne Hartman at

Sunview House

Morning Light Lodge: This year marks the 25th anniversary of the opening of Morning Light Lodge, an accredited Christian Science Nursing Facility in the Atlanta area, which provides short-term Christian Science nursing care in a quiet, healing atmosphere.  The Lodge first opening on January 1, 1999.  A complete renovation was finished on July 27, 2021.  For more information, visit

The Campership Fund provides support for children and adults desiring a camp experience.  For more information, visit their website.

SUNDAY SERVICES – On Sunday mornings we sing hymns, pray, and listen to the Lesson-Sermon read from the Bible and the Christian Science Textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered and founded Christian Science. Together, these two books are the pastor for Churches of Christ, Scientists worldwide and they speak in a way that is relevant to all ages. In each Lesson, Bible passages are corroborated and explained by passages from Science and Health. The references used in each sermon are printed in The Christian Science Quarterly are are the basis for daily study. You are welcome to take a copy of the Quarterly home with you and join in this search for a deeper understanding of God and His creation.

Held at 12 Noon on the first and third Wednesdays of each month, in the Sunday School room.
7:00 – 8:00 pm for all other Wednesdays each month, in the church auditorium.        
On Wednesdays we gather to hear readings on a specific topic from the Bible and Science and Health. After the readings, those attending have an opportunity to express gratitude and share their ideas, inspiration. and healing experienced based on their individual study and prayer of Christian Science. 

SUNDAY SCHOOL – In our Sunday School, young people up to the age of 20 learn how to pray and turn to God for help. They discover how Biblical teachings such as the Ten Commandments and Christ Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount are practical tools for health and success in their lives. Their textbooks are the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. 

INFANTS AND TODDLERS – Those too young for Sunday School are welcome in our Children’s Room during both Wednesday and Sunday services. 

READING ROOM – Our Reading Room, located downstairs in our church and open to the public, is a combination bookstore, library, and information center. It offers a quiet oasis for prayer and study of the Bible and the Writings of Mary Baker Eddy, as well as all periodicals printed by the Christian Science Publishing Society. There are many helpful resources available for spiritual exploration, and an attendant is available to answer questions.

MEDIA CONTACT – As Committee on Publication for North Carolina, Renee McCardell represents the local churches of Christ, Scientist, in seeking to bring a better understanding of Christian Science to public discourse. She is available to speak with journalists, teachers, students, lawmakers, religious leaders, academics, or anyone looking for accurate information and resources about the practice of Christian Science. She can be reached at

BEYOND GREENSBORO — For information on Christian Science churches throughout North Carolina, visit our state-wide website,

Copyright © 2024. All rights reserved.
First Church of Christ, Scientist
105 Arden Place
Greensboro, NC  27403